Monday, January 16, 2023

My Five Top Sources of News and Information

 Entertainment Weekly: Entertainment Weekly is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It focuses in on the lives of some of the world's famous actors, actresses, models, and whoever else has managed to win over the world. When I feel like keeping up with the latest celebrities, reading about the new gossip between the Kardashians, or what young girl Leonardo DiCaprio is dating now, this is the first source I turn to. The reading is light and fun. Entertainment Weekly manages to keep you updated but not bored and is a fun way to relax and take yourself away from the reality of your own life and into another's for once. 

New York Times : New York Times has always been a source that consistently backed me up in school and I was always very quick to turn to them when researching or simply writing essays. So many of my teachers in the past had reccommend it and after awhile I finally caved. Though I did not exactly grow up in the "newspaper" generation New York Times makes me feel as though sometimes I did . While of course I do love to get information from this source about what is going on in the world,  the current issues, and what good is still left. I also really enjoy Wordle. It reminds me of the Suduko puzzles for some odd reason, and believe it or not but Wordle has really helped me to expand my horizons in vocabulary. New York Times not only provides you with reliable information but challenges that put your brain to work and are enjoyable. I definitely recommend.

 Politico: When it comes to politics, I try my best to keep up and when I manage to do so I use Politico. It is extremely well known for being one of the very few unbiased sites in politics. It is a great resource to educate yourself on both sides of the political parties and allows yourself to not blindly follow one side. It can be hard navigating through politics, especially when it comes to determining the truths from the narratives but Politico makes it easy. If there is a paper you are looking to right regarding politics and not sure where to start this is the place right here. Even if you just want to fact check another site look up that topic and Politico will be sure to give you some sort of clarity. 

Snopes: This is another good site to use when it comes to politics. Again, many worry the truth can be lost through translation on social media or the news and that is accurate. It is a site specifically designed to help you determine what "deep fakes" are and some of the most common misconceptions because of false information that is spread. You can look up the topic or the most relevant ones at the times are linked directly on their homepage. A deep fake is a photo, video, or audio that has been manipulated by either artificial intelligence are specific editing software making it hard for the intended audience, or those who know little of the topic to deem it fake. It is a great website that is designed to prevent the damage done by false information being spread and helps put worry to rest. Another great website that provides clarity. 

The Economist:
 While this particular website covers politics as well that isn't the sole focus which is a main reason I like turn towards this site. It covers crucial current events, business that happens between countries other than just the U.S. , and other topics as well. This article too tends to be centrist and is not too particularly leaning to one side more than the other. It is published from Britain but the information is still reliable and it is good to compare to sources within the U.S as well. It allows me to expand my horizons and keeps me open minded. It discusses issues with consumers, gross domestic product around the world, and tracks the standing of the economy in numerous places. Overall it manages to cover numerous topics and I enjoy that rather than getting stuck with tunnel-vision. 

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