Tuesday, February 28, 2023

EOTO: Cancel Culture

 Cancel culture has become very popular amongst today's generation. It is basically when a group of people stops supporting a person or group because of something that they have done. While cancel culture is typically used on celebrities for something they have done that was socially unacceptable, many also just use it as an excuse to hate on someone, or cyberbully. Cancel culture itself is highly controversial.  Social media already has a negative effect on majority of the populations mental health, but when one single person is getting hated on my millions of people for a mistake they have made, you can only imagine how that affects them. While cancel culture is meant to teach people the consequences of their actions, it often gets taken way too far and people receive comments telling them to kill themselves, that they are worth nothing, and other serious remarks that can cause one to take their own life. 

Cancel culture has turned into a place for hate to ferment and be transported onto another for little reason. But at times it can be  effective and encourages others to make good on the mistake they have made. For example, Miami Herald, goes into detail about TikTokers who waste large amounts of food for their content.  With cancel culture one effect, and many of them beginning to lose a large amount of followers they reverted to the opposite of the content they make, and now provide food to the poor instead to make up for what they do. While some question why they feel the need to record such a thing others are happy they have made a change to their habits and are now currently helping others rather than wasting good. 

                                                         Video Of Excessive Food Waste

But that is not all, there are more well-known celebrities like JK Rowling and Kanye West who have faced the backlash of cancel culture. Kanye and his brands have lost millions of dollars, and have been shunned from society. While society should definitely keep one another in check, is it worth destroying someones livelihood? or even their mental health? Cancel culture is a toxic way to address issues deemed unacceptable to our society and a more efficient way is in need. 

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