Monday, January 23, 2023

The Founding Era

The Supreme Court  

About the Court: 

The Supreme Court has been around for quite some time, though it did not always receive the credit it deserved. The court was once seen below the other two forms of government and people believed it was an option to listen to the judicial system. One famous justice, Marshall, had helped to earn the court the respect it deserves and was apart of the first notion that deemed a legislative action unconstitutional.  From then on, the courts have become a crucial part of our system of government. With just over a 100 justices in all the years the court has been standing they have all remained impartial and attempted to stay out of the media in doing so. Though, the President does attempt to shape the court decisions by nominating his own justice. But, the power mainly rests on the public fate and if they decide to continue to listen to the courts or deem them unnecessary. 

Did You Know?

A surprising thing I learned about the Supreme Court, was that after court cases the justices all come together, and each converse and work together to form a draft. This draft can take up to three weeks to be revised and released to the public. I had always believed the court case itself took up to a week and they made their decision right there and then.  

The most important take-away about the Supreme Court is the court is impartial. The court was designed to not serve the government but the people. The nine justices come together to work to a decision they believe is truly in the people's best interest rather than their own.  It is a form of protection and is apart of the checks and balance system to assure the government is not taking advantage of their power.  

The most surprising thing I learned was that the Supreme Court Cases are open to the public. As silly as it sounds I always thought these court cases were closed off to the public and simply involved those necessary. But, to hear that the justices, sometimes all nine sit in front of these people in the court room , discuss,  run over the case, and form their opinions was  a complete shock to me. 

After watching these videos, Supreme Court Pt 1  and  Supreme Court Pt 2 my opinions on the Supreme Court remained the same, but I certainly came across some enlightening information and would recommend it to others who are interested in learning more about the Supreme Court and its role in the court system.  

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