Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression

 The government is a system designed to keep order amongst the country and regulate the way we live to avoid anarachy. There are checks and balances put in place that encourages each of the branches to check one another when they "step out of line" or abuse their power. Many forget that the people are involved in this checks and balances system and are an extremely crucial part. It is also the people's patriotic duty to call out the government when it is wrong. It was one of the main concepts in the drafting of the Constitution to allow the people to be able to speak their mind about the government without any consequences and voice their opinions on what they believe is best for the people and the mistakes the government made.The media in today's time can often be compared to a "watchdog". While we are at work, school, or just completing errands, the news is able to let us know what is going on throughout the world that day. Otherwise we would be lost and have little clue about what is going on in the world around us. If the media is not completing this duty or, performing the duty incorrectly it can be incredibly dangerous to the public. 

The government adheres to what the people want. Typically, political leaders conform their ideals to the majority. If the people call out or challenge the government they are more likely to have the government perform in the way they want or reflect the majority's values. In the constitution, it is even stated "We the people, for the people, by the people." This again, keeps the government in check and avoids a dictatorship and rather a system that works collaboratively and in the best interest of the people instead of power. To me checks and balances is what allows this whole system to function and avoids unnecessary violence such as riots. The past and present of both our country and others countries provides prime examples to what happens where there is no checks and balances in place. According to the article The Government without Check and Balances, ". And unfortunately, Russia is only one of many totalitarian states, which not only repress their own citizens, but also pose security risks for the rest of the world." A totalitarian government is one that does not allow the public to disagree with it nor any type of political party. What they say pretty much goes.  They're known for making decisions that put the people at serious risk, and without these checks and balances the people suffer at the hands of the government unfortunately. To add on in the past the states had specifically left England because the people had no say and they felt as though they were part of a dictatorship. They faced great unfairness, economically. In other cases this could cause social injustice as well. 

Another problem from the past when checks and balances was not in the past, is with the judiciary system. There had been a unicameral government and so there was no proper way to fairly enforce laws among the people and the decision was all up to the government.  The sole branch, legislative, was too powerful. In the History.com article it states, "The Supreme Court and other federal courts (judicial branch)can declare laws or presidential actions unconstitutional, in a process known as judicial review." Demonstrating how without it the government was able to make whatever law it wanted to with no one to check it. 

Overall, without the process of checks and balances, the people would be under a dictatorship and would have little room to express their concerns and help shape the country. Without the media giving constant updates the people would be at a loss. The whole system is intertwined, especially with the government being involved in nearly everything, and the people determine the future. 

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