Tuesday, February 7, 2023

EOTO Presentations

 Though cable news is not currently as popular as it once was, and now majority of society turn towards streaming services to get their news or entertainment it at one time shaped the dynamic of television.  Cable networks originally began in the late 1940's in New York and became one of the fastest growing industries, with the numbers of channels continuously growing. Cable news helped and continues to help  people spread news, art, and business to vast audiences. Not only that but it was a way to keep people connected and aware of what was going on around them and updated them on a day to day basis. 

The problem with cable news, especially in todays world is the bias amongst  the platforms and the disinformation provided to the people.Where  platforms will knowingly put out the wrong information in order to deceive their audience. Most platforms, push their opinions on their viewers and will only give one side to a story, political view, or anything else along those lines. This can easily skew the way the viewers think without providing them with full context. and it is hard to take things like that back. 
CNN was founded by Ted Turner and created in 1980. CNN was not quite as big as it is now and was a really small company when he bought it. The first large piece that captured people's attention was on the  attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan.  According to New York Times , Vernon was a well known civil rights attorney, working for various civil rights organizations and eventually becoming a close advisor to Bill Clinton. CNN was also the first 24-hour all news service, which certainly appealed to all those who worked and were unable to watch it at certain times of the day. It appealed to a vast audience and grew over time into the popular channel it is today. 

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